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1 University

1 Course

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Item Development-Analysis Worksheet(1) (1)

Item Development-Analysis Worksheet(1) (1)

Q Sometimes it is identified that the number of Diuuverse degrees are _____ and all odf these can be used as scales of measurement. a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Question (5 points) The term _______ _______ has common featur4es with the term “traits” and it covers a wide number of possibilities. a. True-core theory b. psychological trait c. states exist d. race norming Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Question (5 points) Which of the following type of measurement is related to the measurement of precision that is already identified in test score? a. confidence interval measurement b. reliability measassirement c. standard error measurement d. standard deviation measurement d. 6Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Question (5 points) Which of the following type of measurement is related to the measurement of precision that is already identified in test score? a. confidence interval measurement b. reliability measassirement c. standard error measurement d. standard deviation measurement Chapter 6 Multiple Choice Question (5 points) Go through the following optiins and consider which one is the most acceptable as an evidence based on construct validity a. It is a homogenous test b. The score is increasing as it is proceeding towards the end it is becoming easier c. All the scores obtaimned are same d. Any theory cannot be capable enough to predict the theory

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Answer: 6Answer: Psychological traitAnswer: Standard error measurementAnswer: It is a homogenous test